Search Results for "Follistatin"

Follistatin Like-3 Tri-Level Controls

Ansh Labs FSTL-3 Tri-Level Controls are intended for use as assay quality controls to monitor the precision and reproducibility of laboratory testing methods for the determination of FSTL-3 in serum, plasma, or other biological fluids. Tri-Level controls are run as unknowns against kit calibrators in any human FSTL-3 assays.

New Publication: The Activin/Follistatin-axis is severely deregulated in COVID-19 and independently associated with in-hospital mortality

J Infect Dis. 2021 Feb 24;jiab108. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiab108. Online ahead of print.   E Synolaki, V Papadopoulos, G Divolis, O Tsahouridou, E Gavriilidis, G Loli, A Gavriil1, C Tsigalou, N Tziolos, E Sertaridou, B Kalra, A Kumar, P Rafailidis, A Pasternack, D Boumpas, G Germanidis, O Ritvos, S Metallidis, P Skendros, P Sideras   Background: … [Read more…]

Follistatin-Like 3 ELISA

The FSTL-3 enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit provides materials for the quantitative measurement of FSTL-3 in human serum.

Follistatin ELISA

The Follistatin enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit provides materials for the quantitative measurement of follistatin in human serum and other biological fluids.

Emerging Biomarkers for Reproductive Health offered by Ansh Labs

Most biomarkers start out with a specific application; however, as more researchers become involved, the range of applicable areas increases significantly. Initially, Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) was used in determining neonatal gender in cases of ambiguous genitalia. Not long after, AMH became very popular in estimating ovarian reserve. In recent years, the level of interest in … [Read more…]

2016 Endo Society Scientific Posters

Novel Specific ELISAs for all Inhibins, Activins and their Binding Proteins FST and FSTL3 Inhibins and activins are protein complexes belonging to TGF-ß superfamily of growth factors. Originally identified in gonadal tissues, inhibins and activins were primarily considered as gonadal hormones. As indicated by their names, inhibins and activins exhibit opposite functions. While activin enhances … [Read more…]

Ansh Labs’ Citations

The following are a collection of articles citing our products. Ansh Labs does not claim or endorse any clinical applications that may be stated or implied in the articles. These articles are provided to show that our products are well validated and trusted by the scientific community. We only support the Intended Use that is … [Read more…]

Activin A ELISA

The Activin A enzyme linked immunuosorbent assay (ELISA) kit provides materials for the quantitative measurement of Activin A in human serum and other biological fluids.

Scientific Poster Presentations

NOTICE: Unless otherwise stated in our catalog or other product documentation, information presented in our scientific poster sessions is to be considered as Research Use Only.   Scientific Poster Presentations 2024 Endocrine Society Novel Comparative Analysis of Dried Blood Spot and Serum ELISAs for AMH, FSH, and LH in Patients Seeking IVF Treatment Association for … [Read more…]

Safety Data Sheets

AL-101, AL-101-i      picoPAPP-A ELISA AL-103      Total Beta hCG ELISA AL-104      AFP ELISA AL-105, AL-105-i      AMH, Ultra-Sensitive ELISA AL-106, AL-106-i      PAPP-A ELISA AL-107, AL-107-i      Inhibin B ELISA AL-108            MBP ELISA AL-109, AL-109-i      PAPP-A2 ELISA AL-110, AL-110-i      Activin A ELISA AL-113            Rat / Mouse AMH ELISA AL-114            Bovine AMH ELISA AL-115       … [Read more…]