Growth Factors
Enabling accurate measurement and differentiation of bioactive insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) and binding proteins (IGFBPs) in all their forms.

Ansh Labs excels at developing some of the most challenging immunoassays from concept to fully validated kits. With a focus on emerging and early-stage biomarkers, we are attuned to the latest developments in specialty diagnostics. Bringing together Ansh Labs’ innovation and past expertise in developing IGF assays as Diagnostic Systems Laboratories (DSL), we have developed a wide array of highly sensitive and specific ELISAs that enable accurate measurement and the ability to quantify total or intact IGFBPs and distinguish bioactive and bound IGF-I.
Our menu of IGF ELISA kits includes:
IGF-I, Bioactive IGF-I, Total IGF-I, Bioactive (Rat, Mouse) IGF-I, Total (Rat, Mouse) IGF-II IGFBP-3, Intact IGFBP-3, Total |
IGFBP-4, Intact IGFBP-4, Total IGFBP-5 PAPP-A PAPP-A2 Stanniocalcin 2 |
Common and Novel Applications of the IGF related assays:
Growth Hormone Deficiency Cancer (Oncology) Preeclampsia Inflammatory Disease |
Prostatic Carcinoma Cardiovascular Disease Diabetes Mellitus Pregnancy Complications |
Key Features:
Our growth factors immunoassays offer key features:
⇒ mAbs developed and screened in-house
⇒ Wide analytical measurable ranges
⇒ Picogram-level sensitivity
⇒ Calibrated to WHO standard preparations
⇒ Long shelf life
* Unless otherwise stated in our catalog or other product documentation, these kits are intended for research use only and not for in vitro diagnostic purposes or therapeutic uses.

Special Focus: PAPP-A2
Pregnancy associated plasma protein-A2 (PAPP-A2) is a novel metalloproteinase identified as a homolog of PAPP-A in the metzincin superfamily of pappalysins. PAPP-A2 shares 46% sequence identity with PAPP-A. PAPP-A2 is a noncovalently linked dimer of two 220-kDa subunits. It exhibits robust proteolytic activity against IGFBP-5 and possibly also IGFBP-3. PAPP-A2 is expressed in a wide range of tissues and is abundant in placental syncytiotrophoblasts and the pregnant uterus. Many recent published research articles have looked at PAPP-A2 in preeclampsia, bone formation, metabolism, lung cancer, IGF-regulation disorders, and prenatal screening.
Selected Readings:
Dauber A, et al. Mutations in pregnancy-associated plasma protein A2 cause short stature due to low IGF-I availability. EMBO Molecular Medicine. 2016 Epub ahead of print, Feb 22, 2106
Munnangi S, Gross S, Madankumar R, Salcedo G, Reznik S. Pregnancy associated plasma protein-A2: A novel biomarker for down syndrome. Placenta. 35 (2014): 900-906.